21 temporarily free and 37 on-sale apps and games for Wednesday - Android

21 temporarily free and 37 on-sale apps and games for Wednesday - Android

Don't miss out on the sales for Florence, Teslagrad, and Gorogoa

Welcome to Wednesday, everyone. Despite the fact it's the middle of the week, we have some solid sales today, including a few standouts. First up is Florence, an emotionally charged interactive storybook that's well-reviewed. Next up is Teslagrad, a gorgeous 2D puzzle platformer that's easily worth the current sale price. Last but not least is Gorogoa, a trippy puzzler that's a joy to explore. As always, I've highlighted all of the interesting titles in bold green text in order to make discovery easier.

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21 temporarily free and 37 on-sale apps and games for Wednesday was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

05/05/2021 03:14 PM