5 things we'd change about the OnePlus 9 Pro - Android

5 things we'd change about the OnePlus 9 Pro - Android

We've got a lot of problems with this phone, and now you're gonna hear about it

OnePlus has been a fan-favorite among Android enthusiasts going on seven years now. In its early days, the company cultivated a reputation for making good phones and selling them for fair prices. As time has gone on, though, that's become less true. OnePlus phones are still good, broadly speaking, but they're increasingly quirky in ways we don't love. In our review, we weren't very enthusiastic about this year's 9 Pro — for a lot of reasons.

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5 things we'd change about the OnePlus 9 Pro was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

17/04/2021 02:15 PM