Google wants you to use the Assistant as yet another messaging app - Android

Google wants you to use the Assistant as yet another messaging app - Android

Big new capabilities for the Broadcast feature, and other Assistant updates

Google I/O is inching closer, but Google is already on an announcement spree. After teasing some launcher improvements coming to tablets and giving us a first glimpse at its response to Apple's Privacy Labels, the company is now getting ready to share some Assistant updates. For one, Assistant Broadcasts can now reach family members even when they're not home, but there's much more than just that.

Assistant Broadcasts

If you're not familiar, Assistant Broadcasts allow you to send a message to all of your Google Home and Nest devices by saying, "Hey Google, tell my family, let's have dinner at seven," or anything else.

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Google wants you to use the Assistant as yet another messaging app was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

06/05/2021 04:00 PM