25 temporarily free and 42 on-sale apps and games for Monday - Android

25 temporarily free and 42 on-sale apps and games for Monday - Android

Don't miss out on the sales for Planescape: Torment, The Quest, and Kenshō

Welcome to Monday, everyone. We have a packed list of sales today, including a few standouts. First up is Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition, a classic CRPG that's easily worth the current asking price. Next up is The Quest, an old-school dungeon crawler that offers a wide array of expansions. Last but not least is Kenshō, an enjoyable puzzler that also offers some really awesome music. As always, I've highlighted all of the interesting titles in bold green text in order to make discovery easier.

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25 temporarily free and 42 on-sale apps and games for Monday was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

10/05/2021 02:22 PM