Google confirms adblockers affect Docs — and it’s up to them to fix it - Android

Google confirms adblockers affect Docs — and it’s up to them to fix it - Android

AdBlock is already working on a fix
  • Update
    Google and AdBlock statements

If you've been having issues with weird text formatting or just generally been unable to edit Google Docs or Slides for the last day or two, turns out that's A Thing. While we initially didn't know the precise cause or why it's only happening right now, Google Drive Product Manager Remy Burger is pointing at recent changes some adblockers have implemented — so disabling content blockers on Drive, Docs, Slides, and Co.

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Google confirms adblockers affect Docs — and it’s up to them to fix it was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

15/04/2021 10:38 AM