Nobody wants anything to do with Google's new tracking mechanism FLoC - Android

Nobody wants anything to do with Google's new tracking mechanism FLoC - Android

Almost all browsers and privacy advocates slam the third-party cookie replacement
  • Update
    More browsers are out

Google is about to shake up the status quo on tracking with its newly proposed browser-based Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) tracking mechanism, which it introduced as a replacement for the outgoing third-party cookies the advertisement industry still heavily relies on. But many privacy advocates like the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) and search engine DuckDuckGo think FLoC could turn out to be even worse and more invasive than third-party cookies, and most browser makers were fast to join in on that stance.

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Nobody wants anything to do with Google's new tracking mechanism FLoC was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

19/04/2021 04:05 PM