This $110 Android tablet is perfect for watching Netflix, surfing the web, and more - Android

This $110 Android tablet is perfect for watching Netflix, surfing the web, and more - Android

TLDR: The Vankyo MatrixPad Z10 has 1080p resolution, a lightning-fast processor and everything a tablet needs to compete with the iPad — at almost a third of the Apple price. While a 2020 spend indoors probably wasn’t your idea of a good time, there were some who took the COVID-inspired lemons and made lemonade. One of those beneficiaries were tablet makers, who saw sales on those portable workhorses soar almost 14 percent last year as everybody settled into working from home. And of course, that was a huge boon to the top tablet manufacturer Apple, who shipped over 52 million…

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14/04/2021 02:00 PM